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2019 New York Phenoms Roster

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Uniform #PlayerPositionHeightWeightBats / ThrowsCollegeGraduation
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2Matthew BassP, OF5'10"170R / RPace Univ.Jr.
3Robert Hart Jr.INF5'11"180R / RKingsborough CCSo.
4Christopher HarperINF6'0"185L / RBenedict Univ.Sr.
5Chris CiaccioINF6'0"180R / RKean Univ.Jr.
6Juan Pena (DL)OF6'0"195R / RNew Jesrey City Univ.Sr.
7Travis Zurita (DL)OF5'11"215R / RSUNY MaritimeJr.
8Vincent TimpanelliC6'2"200R / RRamapo CollegeSr.
9Daniel DiGeorgioINF6'5"205R / RRutgers Univ.RS Jr.
11Aaron StrakerOF6'1"185R / RSavannah State Univ.Sr.
13Sal TrancucciC, P5'9"200R / RCollege of Staten IslandSr.
15David MelfiC5'10"185R / RWagner Univ.Fr.
18John EspositoP6'3"191R / RCollege of Staten IslandSo.
19Michael LapczynskiINF5'11"210L / RKean Univ.So.
19Shane MugnoloINF, P6'0"155R / RSUNY CortlandSo.
22John DiMartinoP6'3"240R / RPace Univ.So.
24Nick MulitzOF5'9"185R / RRollins CollegeJr.
28Liam HardingC, P6'1"190R / RRider Univ.Jr.
30Bruce WeyandP6'0"200R / RKean Univ.So.
31Douglas MolnarP6'0"210R / RWagner Univ.RS Sr.
33Thomas JoyceP, 1B6'6"220L / LSouthern Maine Univ.So.
34Anthony AmbrosinoP, OF6'0"185R / LQuinnipiac Univ.So.
41Michael HessP6'2"200L / RCaldwell UniversitySr.
45Reyan MustafoskiP6'2"185R / RSTACSr.
51August BibenP6'0"230R / RCornell Univ.Fr.
52Brandon DemmaP6'3"180L / LWagner CollegeSo.
53Louis MandileOF5'10"175R / ROcean CCSo.
99Sean MalamudP6'2"220R / RConcordia Univ.So.

Todays Games

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Scores from Yesterday

No Games Scheduled.

2019 ACBL Standings

Wolff Division


Kaiser Division

North Jersey211600.568
New York171400.548
Ocean Ospreys181700.514
Ocean Gulls92210.297

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