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2019 Ocean Ospreys Schedule

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06/01/191:00 PMNew York (PPD)0Ocean Osprey0College of Staten Island
06/01/193:00 PMNew York (PPD)0Ocean Osprey0College of Staten Island
06/02/191:00 PMTrenton6Ocean Osprey5Timberlane Athletic Fields (HVCHS)
06/02/193:00 PMTrenton7Ocean Osprey10Timberlane Athletic Fields (HVCHS)
06/04/196:30 PMOcean Osprey13Ocean Gulls6Wall Sports Complex
06/12/195:00 PMNew York10Ocean Osprey3College of Staten Island
06/13/196:30 PMOcean Osprey (PPD)0New York0Wall Sports Complex
06/15/1912:00 PMNorth Jersey5Ocean Osprey4Breslin Field
06/15/192:00 PMNorth Jersey4Ocean Osprey3Breslin Field
06/16/1911:00 AMOcean Osprey1North Jersey0Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
06/16/191:00 PMOcean Osprey6North Jersey3Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
06/22/1911:00 AMOcean Osprey9Allentown6Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
06/22/191:00 PMOcean Osprey5Allentown3Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
06/23/191:00 PMJersey2Ocean Osprey3Drew University
06/23/193:00 PMJersey3Ocean Osprey1Drew University
06/25/195:00 PMOcean Gulls (PPD)0Ocean Osprey0Wall Sports Complex
06/27/195:00 PMOcean Osprey8Ocean Gulls10Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
06/30/191:00 PMQuakertown7Ocean Osprey2Memorial Park
06/30/193:00 PMQuakertown3Ocean Osprey4Memorial Park
07/02/196:30 PMOcean Osprey3New York4Wall Sports Complex
07/04/1911:00 AMOcean Gulls4Ocean Osprey5Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
07/07/1911:00 AMOcean Osprey4Ocean Gulls0Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
07/07/191:00 PMOcean Osprey1Ocean Gulls3Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
07/13/1912:00 PMOcean Osprey6Quakertown5Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
07/13/192:30 PMOcean Osprey3Quakertown5Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
07/16/195:00 PMNew York5Ocean Osprey4College of Staten Island
07/20/1911:00 AMOcean Osprey8Jersey4Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
07/20/191:00 PMOcean Osprey5Jersey1Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
07/21/1911:00 AMOcean Osprey6New York5Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
07/21/191:00 PMOcean Osprey5New York1Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
07/24/195:15 PMOcean Gulls1Ocean Osprey0Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
07/25/195:00 PMAllentown17Ocean Osprey7ECTB Stadium
07/25/197:00 PMAllentown6Ocean Osprey2ECTB Stadium
07/27/1911:00 AMOcean Osprey11North Jersey1Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
07/27/191:00 PMOcean Osprey1North Jersey4Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
07/29/195:00 PMNorth Jersey2Ocean Osprey1Overpeck County Park
07/29/197:30 PMNorth Jersey2Ocean Osprey5Overpeck County Park
07/30/195:00 PMOcean Osprey3Trenton11Wall Sports Complex
07/30/196:30 PMOcean Osprey9Trenton3Wall Sports Complex
07/31/195:00 PMOcean Osprey (PPD)0Ocean Gulls0Pt Pleasant HS (Antrim School)
08/02/197:00 PMNew York3Ocean Osprey5College of Staten Island
08/03/1912:00 PMNorth Jersey7Ocean Osprey3Breslin Field
08/03/193:00 PMNorth Jersey4Ocean Osprey1Breslin Field

Todays Games

No Games Scheduled Today

Scores from Yesterday

No Games Scheduled.

2019 ACBL Standings

Wolff Division


Kaiser Division

North Jersey211600.568
New York171400.548
Ocean Ospreys181700.514
Ocean Gulls92210.297

ACBL Sponsors

Diamond Sports - team sporting goods